Saturday, September 8, 2007


We just got word that the current visiting short term medical mission team from Tennessee had the leader arrested, passport confiscated and is being "investigated" for drug trafficing because they carried with them some lidocaine, as local anesthetic used for pain relief for minor procedures (think numbing for stitches being put in). This is, of course, not a drug of abuse, and the local regulations, apparently, are not aware of this. Please pray for that team and for wisdom for the local authorities. While I sincerely sympathize with their efforts to control illegal drugs, I hope this can be resolved safely and to the benefit of all involved (including patients that are not being cared for while the doctor is being detained.)

Our plans continue to progress for our October trip. We are looking into a couple of institutions that help provide medications and surgical supplies for mission teams. Please also pray that we will not have similar problems with medications we will bring with us. Medications are in short supply at the mission hospital and it is difficult to function without them.

The church mission weekend was off to a great start with a wonderful and moving performance by the Children of the World choir. Each of the children was abandoned or orphaned, yet they were so full of life and joy. I also had an opportunity to meet a young man from Indiana Wesleyan University who is considering a career in medical missions. He might be interested in coming will us on another trip to Zimba next year to get an idea of what is might be like.

Apparently the temporary medical license I used last trip as expired. ( I had been told it was still valid) so now I am trying to frantically get things in place for this. Please pray for this to go smoothly, as well.

Our fund raising plans are still not in place. Also we ask for prayer for directions for our final efforts to raise funds as these are yet incomplete (at least from our standards, perhaps, not from God's).