Tuesday, August 28, 2007

First Wes Zimba Team Updates

First Wesleyan Church of Battle Creek, Michigan has assembled, or shall I say, God as assembled, it's third team to be sent to Zimba Mission Hospital in Zambia for a short term mission trip. We are all preparing for our October 6, 2007 departure. Glen has been helping us get ready for this exciting chance to continue our relationship with the people of Zimba.


-Providing medical care for hospitalized and outpatient individuals including sick children
-Performing gynecological and obstetrical surgeries
-Solving electrical safety issues at the hospital
-Wiring the new operating room and laboratory extension
-Continuing to explore options for area economic development
-Expanding and developing relationships with local people from previous trips
-Providing support, hope and encouragement for the people who live and work in Zimba
-Discussing/delivering plans for a new water system for uncontaminated water at the hospital

This team consists of 2 electricians (Bob and Ray), 2 nurses (Ann and Dianna), a nurse anesthetist (Barb), a obstetrician/gynecologist ( Dr. Kari), a construction worker (Larry, the shorter), and co-leaders (Larry, the taller, and Andy). For 2 of us this is our 3rd Zimba trip, for 4 of us, it is the 2nd trip and we have 3 who will be in Zimba for the first time.

As we prepare the team would like to ask for prayer for our mission goals as listed below. In addition, we have been praying for individual concerns for the team members including our health before, during and after the trip, protection from physicial harm (especially from insects) and spiritual assaults, peace for our families regarding our call to go on this trip, safe and hassle-free travel, that our monetary support for individuals and supplies will come in, and that we will have opportunities in Zimba to witness and provide real benefit. We also want to give praise for this opportunity to go in God's service.

While unspecified donations in any amount are appreciated, the following is a partial list of some of the items we need funded:

$2 will provide VITAMIN SUPPLEMENTS for a child for 3 months

$3 will provide IBUPROFEN for an arthritis patient for 2 months,
OR supplies, gloves, antibiotics and dressing to care for a

$4.50 will provide a box of disposable clean GLOVES for all the nurses at the hospital for a

$5 will provide I.V. fluids and supplies for a DEHYDRATED CHILD, or
MULTIVITAMINS for an adult for a year or anesthesia and pain
medication for a CEASARIAN SECTION to save the life of a woman

$12.50 will provide a course of antibiotics for a CHILD’S ILLNESS

$15 will provide a course of CHILD’S PAINKILLER for a serious injury

$18.50 will provide I.V. antibiotics and supplies to save a CHILD from PNEUMONIA

$45 will provide antibiotics to SAVE THE LIFE of an infected newborn

$50 will provide I.V. FLUIDS needed for 10 GYNECOLOGICAL SURGERIES

$59 will provide surgical supplies and antibiotics for one SURGERY

$65 will provide supplies and antibiotics to treat one SEVERELY BURNED CHILD

$70 will provide ANESTHESIA DRUGS for 10 gynecological surgeries

$75 will provide OXYGEN tanks for several surgeries

$700 will provide anti-HIV MEDICATION to protect the health of a medical provider
with a needle stick injury or other exposure within Zambia

Donations can be made to First Wesleyan Church and designated for the Zimba Mission trip.

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